Get Reviews Account Information

Reviews Dashboard Users

Any users from your website dashboard who click into Get Reviews will automatically be added as a Get Reviews user at the 'Administrator' level.

Additional users who can only access Get Reviews (but not your website dashboard) can be created manually. For example, you might add someone who is helping you with review campaigns, but you don't want to give them full access to your website dashboard.

How to add a new user

Our team will help you add a new user to your account. Simply contact us with your request. Here's what we'll need to know to add the user:

  • First and last name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Guest or administrative access level?

Administrator Users: Has full access to the account, except billing information. (We do not store any of your billing information in your Reviews dashboard.)

Guest Users: Can view the account but not make any changes.

  1. Make sure you are logged into your Reviews dashboard as an Administrator. You can check by looking for the gear icon (settings) in the left sidebar. If it's there, then you are good to go.
  2. Click on 'Settings' (the gear icon), then scroll down to 'Account' and click 'Users'.
  3. You'll be taken to a list of all the existing users on your account. Click the blue 'Add user' button in the top right corner to add a new one. (You can also edit any existing user by clicking on their name.)
  4. On the next screen, you'll see the option to add a single user or multiple users via spreadsheet upload. For the purpose of this example, we'll be adding a single user. Click the blue 'Add user' button in the Single User section.
  5. Enter the user's name and contact information. You also have the option of sending them an email which will let them know they've been added. Then click 'Next'.
  6. Select the business location(s) this user will be able to access. Click 'Next'.
  7. Select the role for this user, then click 'Next'.
    • Administrator: Has full access to the account, except billing information. (We do not store any of your billing information in your Reviews dashboard.)
    • Guest: Can view the account but not make any changes.
  8. Now, you have the option to set up notifications for this user. The user can also go in later and change their notification options to fit their preferences.
  9. Click 'Save' to complete the user setup.

Tracking employee performance

You have the option of adding employees to your Get Reviews account if you'd like to evaluate employee performance based on the number of review requests sent or customer feedback received.

If you don't care to track those things, but still want your employees in the system so that they can log in, view the Inbox, have Inbox conversations assigned to them, and do all other tasks possible within Get Reviews, then you only need to add them as Users, as listed in the directions above. The following steps are only necessary if you want to track employee performance as it relates to your reviews.

  1. In your Reviews Dashboard, click on 'Settings' (the gear icon), then scroll down to 'Account' and click 'Employees'.
  2. Click the blue 'Add employee' button.
  3. Add your employee's name and contact info, then click 'Add'.

To check employee performance, head to 'Reports'. Under Review Reports, click on 'Leaderboard'.


Note: a person does not have to be a user on your account to be added as an Employee.

Should I add someone as a User or Employee?
Not sure if you should be adding someone to your account as an 'Employee' or a 'User'? Here's the difference within the Get Reviews account:

Users are people who can actually log in and interact with the account.

Employees are people whose performance you want to track in regards to the number of review requests they've sent or received.

The two are mutually exclusive. So you can add someone as just a User, or just an Employee, or both. The manner in which you add them just depends on whether or not you want to track performance and how you want them to be able to interact with your account.

Adding additional business locations
Want to add more business locations to your Get Reviews account? Great! Our team is happy to help with that. Please contact us to get started.

Email and Text Branding Options
When your Get Reviews account is set up, our team updates your text and email branding to match your website logo and colors. If you are unhappy with the look of your email or text review requests, you can make updates by following these steps:

  1. In your Reviews Dashboard, click on 'Settings' (the gear icon), then scroll down to 'Branding' and click 'Email and Text'.
  2. At the top of the page, you'll have the option to alter the header color and logo image for your emails and review landing pages. (This is referring to the page where someone is sent when they click on your text asking them to leave a review.)
  3. Further down the page, you have the option to change or add the color or image that will be sent along with the message in your text campaigns. Notice the four vertically stacked colored dots next to each option. Clicking these will change the color or image of the selected design. You also have the option to upload your own custom image.
  4. When you're happy with your selections, be sure to click 'Save'.

Customer satisfaction, client choice, rate app, rating stars, feedback concepts. People holding yellow stars. Modern flat design. Vector illustration