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The Cost of Being Generic: Why Authenticity is Your Best Dental Marketing Strategy

In today’s competitive dental market, it takes more than just offering top-notch dental care to stand out. It’s about authentically connecting with your ideal patients — those who resonate with your practice’s values and services. Your dental practice website is the cornerstone of this connection...

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Angela Hockabout

5 September 2023

Dental SEO Trends For Better Patient Engagement

Discover the latest SEO tips that make your website easier for search engines to find and for patients to book a new appointment.

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Angela Hockabout

23 August 2023

The Best Dental Website Designs of 2023

When it comes to attracting new patients, your dental website design should do more than just look good. It needs to effectively communicate your value, demonstrate your expertise, and cultivate trust in the website visitor (a.k.a. prospective patient).

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Randi Grant

31 May 2023

Transitioning to Google Analytics 4: A Guide for Dentists

Are you prepared for Google’s mandated shift to Google Analytics 4 (GA4)? Discover how this change could affect your dental website, from advanced data analysis to privacy protection. Let us guide you through the transition, and explore why you might need a digital marketing expert on your side.

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Randi Grant

17 May 2023

What Dentists Need to Know About Patient Reviews in 2023

Uncover key insights from Bright Local’s 2023 Consumer Review Report tailored for dentists. Learn how to leverage Google reviews, gain more feedback by asking for it, and improve your online reputation by managing reviews effectively. Your roadmap to an improved patient review strategy starts here.

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Angela Hockabout

11 April 2023

5 Reasons to Choose Smile Marketing for Your Dental Digital Marketing

The right digital marketing agency can help you keep your dental website up-to-date and ahead of the competition by providing: Actionable advice Effective digital marketing strategies Responsive and friendly service Are you getting these benefits from your current website vendor? If not, it might be time for a switch. Here are five reasons why you […]

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Angela Hockabout

22 February 2023

Australian Dentists Reach More New Patients With SuperCare

SuperCare was established in 2013 with the specific goal of helping everyday Australians to eliminate the stress associated with paying for expensive, yet essential, dental treatments.

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