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The Cost of Being Generic: Why Authenticity is Your Best Dental Marketing Strategy
In today’s competitive dental market, it takes more than just offering top-notch dental care to stand out. It’s about authentically connecting with your ideal patients — those who resonate with your practice’s values and services. Your dental practice website is the cornerstone of this connection...
Continue Reading >Marcus Biggs
27 November 2018
Local Dental SEO Rankings Research For 2020
How has local dental SEO progressed over the past year? And how will it move forward into 2019? The SEO software company Moz releases an annual study that reviews the top local search rankings factors for the past year. And the 2018 results are in. These are important to take note of as we head into […]
Continue Reading >>Marcus Biggs
15 November 2018
Digital Marketing Minute | Front Desk Support
Your office phone rings. Once, twice, three times. Who’s going to answer it? What are they going to say? Someone doesn’t become a patient from your website simply by picking up the phone. Unless they schedule an appointment online, conversion typically occurs after someone speaks to your front desk. In other words, your phone can be an […]
Continue Reading >>Marcus Biggs
27 August 2018
Key Dental Digital Marketing Terms: Part 1 of 2
Digital marketing, like dentistry, comes with a few key terms that at first may seem intimidating – but once broken down aren’t too difficult to understand. In this article, we’ll break it down into a few key terms so that you can use marketing as a tool to grow your practice. Key Terms to Know […]
Continue Reading >>Marcus Biggs
16 August 2018
Update: Improvements to Analytics Reporting
We are pleased to announce some exciting improvements to your website’s analytics reporting. In addition to having access to more reporting data, you will now easily be able to monitor your website performance from the dashboard.
Continue Reading >>Marcus Biggs
11 June 2018
Online Reviews for Dentists: The Do’s and Don’ts
Think your “real world” reputation is the only reputation to keep track of? Hardly. Today’s web-driven world has made your digital reputation as important, if not more important, than your real world reputation.
Continue Reading >>Marcus Biggs
5 June 2018
Google Cracks Down on My Business Listing Scams
Ever been scammed by a “Google representative” who wasn’t actually representing Google? If so, you are one among many others. For years, scammers claiming to represent Google have preyed upon small business owners.
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