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The Cost of Being Generic: Why Authenticity is Your Best Dental Marketing Strategy

In today’s competitive dental market, it takes more than just offering top-notch dental care to stand out. It’s about authentically connecting with your ideal patients — those who resonate with your practice’s values and services. Your dental practice website is the cornerstone of this connection...

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Angela Hockabout

7 May 2024

Why You Need a Careers Page on Your Dental Website (Even If You’re Not Hiring)

Hiring a top notch dental office team is crucial for attracting and retaining new dental patients, yet hiring talented staff is harder than ever. However, there are simple yet effective strategies that a dentist can use to stand out as a reliable, family-friendly employer to appeal to the right talent. It all begins with adding […]

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Angela Hockabout

25 April 2024

Celebrating The Soul of Your Dental Practice: A Holistic Dentist’s Website Guide

Your holistic dental practice website is more than just an online brochure; it’s the virtual embodiment of your clinic’s philosophy, expertise, and unique approach to patient care. Your website’s branding, photography, design, and…

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Marcus Biggs

19 April 2024

5 Essential Elements of a High Converting Dental Website

Introduction A well-designed dental website has the power to set you apart from competitors, it can boost your practice's visibility and help fill your chairs with new patients. A poorly designed site, however, will hinder your practice’s growth, can deter potential patients via a frustrating user experience or an unprofessional image, and negatively impact your […]

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dentist celebrating

Randi Grant

20 March 2024

Quick Wins: 5 Fast Digital Marketing Tips for Dental Practices

Discover five straightforward digital marketing strategies tailored specifically for dental practices. These tips are designed for easy implementation and can lead to quick, significant improvements.

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Marcus Biggs

9 February 2024

The Strategy Helping Australian Dental Practices Boost Earnings By $1M Or More

Picture this: A patient enters your dental clinic, desperately in need of treatment. There’s just one obstacle – the cost. For many patients, their ability to afford dental treatment can be the number one barrier to them proceeding. This financial challenge often leads to postponed or declined treatments, affecting both your patient's health and the […]

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Marcus Biggs

11 January 2024

Skyrocket Your Patient Numbers in 2024: Top 5 Proven Strategies

In the highly competitive world of dentistry, standing out is more important than ever. With numerous practices vying for patients' attention, you need to know exactly where to focus your marketing efforts to drive practice growth. It's not enough to just be a great dentist anymore; you need to make sure prospective patients know you’re […]

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